
Host A Successful Fundraiser In Geelong

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Hosting a fundraiser? Here’s how you make it a success!

We’re so lucky to see many heart-warming and successful fundraising events come through The Pier Geelong every year. From the annual Cure For Cystic Fibrosis gala dinner, to small not-for-profit start-ups celebrating their grand launch with us – like the Empowerment Challenge’s grand launch – there’s no event we haven’t had the pleasure of being a part of over the years. We always want to see event organisers and guests have a wonderful time during their event, but we especially have a soft spot for fundraisers and always wish them the greatest success in their fundraising efforts.

We’ve put together our top tips for making your fundraiser a success, check them out below –

  1. Be transparent about what you’re fundraising for

Whether you’re helping support a not-for-profit organisation to do the great work they do all year round, or you’re raising money to donate to a research facility currently working towards life changing medicines – being specific on what your guests are donating money towards will make people want to give more generously. When people know exactly where their money is going and can relate to a cause they are more likely to dig deep. Having a well defined purpose makes event planning all the more easier.

  1. Have a specific goal for your event

What is the dollar amount that you are aiming to raise from your event? Be realistic with this amount, it will help you decide the style of your event and give donors an amount to aim for. Will you raise your goal amount on door sales alone, or should you include other fundraising activities such a silent auction or raffle on the night? These are all questions that having a goal amount from the beginning will help you answer and result in more focused planning for you to work towards to help make your fundraiser a success.

  1. Set your budget

Every event should have a complete budget. This will come from your fundraising goal which should cover and go beyond the cost to host your event. Your budget should take into account all expenses, from marketing efforts to napkins and everything in-between. It’s also a good idea to include a small buffer so you can be ready to cover any unexpected expenses that may pop up.

  1. Seek sponsorship

There are so many generous local businesses that are willing to get on board and support fundraising events. While they may not be monetary donations, having sponsors to donate theming, raffle or silent auction prizes, even their time to help with the planning or attend as a special guest speaker, can make a world of difference to your fundraiser. Here at The Pier we have a sponsorship package available for fundraising events that includes complimentary marketing activities to help promote your event to our audience. Any sponsorship you can secure means less money spent on the event and more money you’re able to donate to your cause. Get in touch with us today to see if our sponsorship package is right for your fundraiser.

  1. Enjoy the celebration!

Once everything is locked in and finalised and the day of your event is here, take the time to just enjoy the event you’ve worked so hard on! Your guests won’t remember the empty napkin stack on the grazing platter but they will remember spending quality time with you at your event, so don’t sweat running around making sure everything is completely perfect all night – just enjoy the fundraising and pat yourself on the back for bringing it all together and raising money for a worthy cause!

  1. Don’t forget the thank-you’s

So the event is over, the donations are counted, and you have a total to share with all your donors and guests. Don’t forget to make a special mention to all the contributors, volunteers and those that helped make your fundraiser a success. A thanks goes a long way and it’s often the most heard complaint post event that contributors are not thanked for their efforts. A personalised thank-you email post-event is all it takes to keep everyone happy and perhaps bring them back as sponsors for your next fundraising event!


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The Pier Geelong
Cunningham Pier

10 Western Beach Foreshore Road
Geelong Vic 3220

(03) 5222 6444
[email protected]